Workpackage on Scalability
This workpackage will address the problem of scalability and is the counterpart of workpackage on security for delivering an industrial-strength implementation of the provenance architecture. Scalability will be studied for provenance data generation and provenance data access. Conceptually centralised, a provenance service will be distributed and its distributed instances will have to coordinate the storage of provenance data. The service will have to scale up with the quantity of provenance data submitted, the number of parties being involved in workflow enactment, the number of parties constituting the provenance service, and the number of workflows being enacted simultaneously. When dealing with large amounts of data (or very congested networks), we anticipate that provenance data could be submitted in a more asynchronous manner; it will be temporarily cached and transferred at later time, when conditions are more suitable. As far as scalability of data access is concerned, the problem is to make sure that, even when provenance data is distributed at different locations, it can easily be queried or navigated.
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