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Sister Project SOCA: SOuthampton Chicago Activity

Welcome to the home of TWiki.Soca. This is a web-based collaboration area for the SOCA sister project.

By a close collaboration between Southampton and Chicago researchers, the aim of the SOCA project is to investigate some fundamental issues in the design, development and deployment of grids for e-Science, through the sharing of uses cases, the design of common systems and associated interfaces, and the practical integration of services in deployed grids.

  1. We aim to demonstrate the integration of registry and provenance services in the Chimera system, through their use in scientific applications.
  2. Specifically, the scientific objectives of the project are to study the following fundamental issues:
    1. Provenance: understand the principles of provenance recording in the context of workflow-based grid systems, specify common interfaces, and integrate components.
    2. Registry: adopt common models for describing services, workflows and legacy programs and specify common interfaces for registering and discovering them, and integrate components.
    3. Workflow: pursue the design of the second generation virtual data language, which focuses on a capability to manipulate data sets in an abstract manner.
    4. Negotiation: investigate how agent-based negotiation protocols can be integrated into the WS-agreement framework.
    5. Virtual Organisations: analyse existing operational virtual organisations such as the ones supported by Grid3, and compare them with methodologies and algorithms conceived in the context of the Virtual Organisations for e-Science and Conoise-G projects.
  3. The SOCA project will build bridges between the US and UK communities, since both Southampton and Chicago are actively involved in numerous collaborations in their respective countries.
  4. SOCA will establish links between several communities. The themes of virtual organisations and negotiations are actively researched by the agent community, and this project will seek to bring agents techniques to the grid community and vice-versa as already pioneered and advocated by the proposal investigators. Likewise, discovery, workflows for virtual data sets, and provenance are typical problems that benefit of semantic web techniques; by the developed solution, the proposed project will contribute to the Semantic Grid agenda.

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