Southampton Provenance Infrastructure
The Southampton Provenance Infrastructure is a collection of software, references, and links that allow developers to make their applications
provenance-aware. Once an application has been made provenance-aware, the infrastructure allows users to query, analyze and determine the provenance of data generated by the application.
- PReServ A specialised storage web service for process documentation that facilates the querying of provenance.
- Provenance Client Side Library A collection of functions that
allows application developers to provide provenance recording and querying functionality to application components.
- Grimoires Hosts descriptions of services and workflows, which a scientist can use for forming complex scientific experiments
- SimpleDom, DomMap, LaxQuery A set of tools comprising a mapping technology which exposes arbitrary data sources containing potentially large data as queryable XML.
- PreView A set of visualisation tools for investigating provenance.
- Validation Engine A component that evaluates past processes from documentation of their execution using semantic descriptions of services and data.
- PrIMe A methodology that tells application developers how to make their applications provenance-aware.
- The Provenance Open Specification A set of precise specifications that the infrastructure implements.
- Architecture Tutorial A tutorial to understand the specifications and ideas behind the software.
The infrastructure is a product of the following projects:
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