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XP tracking introduction

This page explains the way XP projects are tracked in these pages


There is a hierarchy of information here:

  • Web - the TWiki web for XP tracking. One web can be used to track multiple projects.
  • Project - the project being worked on for a Product. Usually this will be the next major release. Each project has a page, which contains an auto-generated summary of the project progress.
  • Team - Each project has one or more teams, groups of developers that work on one aspect of the project. Each team has a page which contains an auto-generated summary of the team's progress.
  • Iteration - a project is divided into a series of short (usually 2-4 week) iterations. Each iteration has a page, the contents of which are also auto-generated.
  • Story - An iteration comprises a number of stories. Stories are pieces of related functionality that are owned by a lead developer but can be worked on by more than one developer. The story page contains information on the acceptance criteria, and also a list of tasks.
  • Tasks - these are the atomic units of work. A story is usually broken up into a number of tasks. No task should take more than 3 days to complete. Tasks may be shared among more than one developer. Tasks details are entered on the story page.

Information is only entered for Stories and their associated tasks. Information for all other levels in the hierarchy is automatically generated (once the pages are initialised)

Example of hierarchy:

Web Project Team Iteration Story Tasks
Tracking BeijingRelease CoreTeam ItFinishUp FinalFixesStory IncrementVersion

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