UK Council for Area Studies Associations

Minutes of the UKCASA Ordinary General Meeting, 23rd June 2017


Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Paul Webley Wing, Senate House, London


Present: Tony Chafer (ASMCF, Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France, UKCASA President), Susan Hodgett (British Association for Canadian Studies and UKCASA Treasurer), Insa Nolte (African Studies Association of the UK, UKCASA executive committee), Deirdre McKay (Association of Southeast Asian Studies in the UK), Cosima Bruno (British Association for Chinese Studies); Jon Oldfield (BASEES, UKCASA Secretary)

Apologies: Christopher Hood (BAJS), Chris Tinker, Helen Drake (UACES), Emily Linnemann (UACES), Brian Ward (BAAS), David Wood (SLAS).


  1. Minutes and matters arising: 

Minutes for the meeting 2 March 2017 were agreed as an accurate statement.

  1. Chair’s Report

The Chair reported on his activities during the last year:

  1. Treasurer’s report 

Balance of account: £753.98.

One subscription had been received in 2016-17. It was noted that UKCASA tends to request monies every 2-3 years from member organisations dependent upon need.

  1. Reports from member representatives:
    1. Noted that the BASEES (British Assoc. for Slavonic and East European Studies) annual conference would take place in Cambridge at the end of March 2018. Deadline for submission of panels/papers autumn 2017.
    2. The African Studies Association of the UK had established workshops in order to encourage African scholars to publish in the UK. And, there had also been success in encouraging US colleagues to provide a similar initiative via a collaboration with US African Studies in the US and the newly established African Studies Association in Africa.
    3. Association of Southeast Asian Studies in the UK had established a series of research and impact awards open to SE Asian scholars (6 awards to date).
    4. British Association for Canadian Studies – noted that its 2017 conference had focused on the 150th anniversary of the Canadian Federation. Awards for PGRs and other student were also highlighted.
    5. Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France provided Visiting Scholarships supporting movement of scholars from Francophone countries to the UK.
  2. AOB – there was no other business to report

Chair concluded the formal affairs and brought the meeting to end.

