Keith Phalp: The RADs(Role Activity Diagrams)
Geetha Abeysinghe: The ProcessWise WorkBench
Mark is located in the Declarative Systems and Software Engineering Laboratory, Room 3055 Mountbatten.
He is working on improving the implementation of logic programming languages in connection with our EPSRC/ESPRIT contracts in Logic Programming.
New faces around the Group 2: Wouter van Oortmerssen.
Wouter is an Erasmus student from the University of Amsterdam, and is here for the next three months. He is mainly working with Vicki on design and implementation of BLA, a language which combines functions and objects.
The HPC Centre is running the following courses (provisional timetable) in the 1st quarter of 1995:
Further details of all courses can be obtained from Ade Miller ( He is also the person to mail if you get sent more than one copy of this message.
Hugh Glaser
Declarative Systems & Software Engineering Group
Department of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton