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Declarative Systems & Software Engineering Newsletter

Issue 12 - 30th January 1995

Editor - Hugh Glaser


Today's Seminar
And Before That!
And Finally!
An Introduction to MPI
Borland C++ going cheap - Stewart Brodie


Peter back from his travels today.

Pieter Hartel here this week.

I'm away with Pieter Wednesday (Bristol) and Thursday (Imperial).

I've been contacted about a Lisp/Scheme/Dylan Job Offer. email me if you want the details.

Today's Seminar

The DSSE talk on Monday the 23rd at 13:00 will be given by Dayroosh Karami.
Quality Control in Software

And After That!

The second of the candidates for lectureship will be giving a seminar today (ES2 at 2pm):
Carole Goble, University of Manchester

And Before That!

The third of the candidates for lectureship will be giving a seminar today (ES2 at 11am):
Dr M J Butler, Abo Akademi University
Stepwise Refinement of Communicating Action Systems


The action system formalism of Back is a state-based approach to distributed computing. In this talk, it will be shown how the action system formalism may be used to describe systems that communicate with their environment through synchronised message-passing. Techniques for refining and decomposing such action systems into distributed implementations will be presented. Specification and refinement is similar to the refinement calculus approach of Back, Morgan, and Morris. The theoretical basis for communication and concurrency is Hoare's CSP.

An Introduction to MPI

Tuesday 31st, January
Time: 09.00am to 5.00pm
Contact Adrian Miller for details.

Borland C++ going cheap - Stewart Brodie

I have been sent an invitation to buy Borland C++ 4.5 (for MS-Windows) for only £99 (saving £250). There are many other offers discounted at the same kind of rate. However, there is a time limit! Order must be received by February 13th.
Borland C++ 4.5 & Database Tools
(includes Borland C++ 4.5, Borland Database Engine 2.0, Borland SQL Links 2.0. Price £179.00
Borland C++ 4.5
(no documentation in floppy disc version). Price £ 99.00
Borland C++ 4.5 Documentation Pack
Price £ 39.00
Borland C++ 2.0 for OS/2
CD-ROM only [rrp £399.00]. Price £ 99.00
Powerful add-ons
Any one of the following for £49.00 ; all 3 for £ 99.00 :
All products supplied on either CD-ROM or 28 high density floppy discs. (Only applies to Borland C++ 4.5). Details from Stewart Brodie, MB 3055 (E&OE)

Copy deadline: 5pm Friday for Monday's newsletter, but send the articles any time.

Hugh Glaser
Declarative Systems & Software Engineering Group
Department of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton