Declarative Systems & Software Engineering Newsletter

Issue 23 - 1st May 1995

Editor - Stuart Maclean


Today's Seminar


No news (is bad news).

Today's Seminar

The DSSE talk for Monday 1st May is entitled 'Tool Integration based on PCTE' by Stephen Hellberg. The talk is at 1.00pm in the DSSE lab (MB 3057). All welcome.

Tool Integration based on PCTE
Stephen Hellberg


Integration appears to be an increasing phenomena amongst current tool initiatives (either voluntarily or imposed) and one which is likely to continue in the future. The concepts embodied by `integration' all appear very positive. The term has all the advantages and disadvantages of denoting a familiar, positive concept ("the details of which can be sorted out latter by the people who will know just what we mean ...") which is easily deployed and equally applicable for use in technical or management contexts. However, what is integration? What do we integrate? And how?

This seminar will lead a discussion on integration seeking to raise awareness of how ill-defined the term is. We will present our experience of tool integration in the context of constructing a PCTE-based environment for the development of computaionally-intensive software for the applications of the scientific and engineering community. This work was conducted under the funding of the ESPRIT-3 project PPPE.

Copy deadline: 5pm Friday for Monday's newsletter, but send the articles any time.

Hugh Glaser
Declarative Systems & Software Engineering Group
Department of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton