The University of Southampton

Trusted Software Agents and Services

Pervasive Computing and Networks, Formal Methods, Security & Trust

The Trusted Software Agents and Services (TSAS) project is investigating and demonstrating the Trust issues that arise from accessing software services and utilising agent technology in PervasiveComputing environments. The project is developing software/hardware demonstrators with which to explore and highlight trust matters in the context of applications such as home finance or tele-medicine. The project is also examining the appropriate validation techniques that can help to achieve assurance of trustworthiness in such technologies.

The project is a part of the DTI Next Wave Technologies and Markets programme. The project is a collaborative effort involving the QinetiQ Distributed Technology Group, together with the Declarative Systems and Software Engineering (DSSE) group, and the Intelligence Agents Multimedia (IAM) group, both at the University of Southampton.

Primary investigators

Secondary investigator

  • Stephane Lo Presti


  • QinetiQ
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