The University of Southampton

Assessment Delivery Engine for QTIv2 questions

Assessment, Learning Technologies

In this project we aim to build an assessment delivery engine to the IMS Question and Test Interoperability version 2.1 specifications that can be deployed as a stand-alone web application or as part of a SOA enabled VLE. The engine will provide for: delivery of an assessment consisting of an assembly of QTI items, scheduling of assessments against users and groups, delivery of items using a web interface, including marking and feedback, and a Web service API for retrieving assessment results. In the second phase, the project will integrate with the other projects in this call on item banking and item authoring to provide a demonstrator, and will contribute to its evaluation and the evaluation of the project and its integration with the other projects under the Assessment call.

Primary investigator

Secondary investigators


  • University of Hull

Associated research groups

  • Web and Internet Science
  • Electronic and Software Systems
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