The University of Southampton

Micro-fabrication and Micro-fluidic Technology


The project is aimed to develop micro-fabrication technology including; Fabrication of metal electrodes using various technologies i.e., Ion Beam Mill, lift off method etc. Also the project involves with the development for the fabrication of micro-fluidic structure using dry film resist photo resist and SU8 negative photoresist. The project is also concentrating on hot embossing (HE)method using EVG 520 boder for the fabrication of fluidic structure on different polymers such as COC. COP, PMMA and others using Ni, Si, and soft HE stamps. Also the sealing and aligned bonding of micro-fluidic structure is being carried out using thermal bonding and UV glue bonding technology by using EVG 620 mask aligner and EVG bonder.

Primary investigators

  • Prof Hywel Morgan
  • Dr Matt Mowlem

Associated research group

  • Nano Research Group
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