The University of Southampton

SEDNA - Intelligent Big Data Analytics for Safer Shipping Operations under Extreme Arctic Environments"

SEDNA approach - reducing ship navigation risks in extreme environments: The arctic case.
Data Science / Big Data, Environmental Monitoring

The SEDNA project will develop an innovative and integrated risk-based approach to safe Arctic navigation, ship design and operation, to enable European maritime interests to confidently fully embrace the Arctic significant and growing shipping opportunities, while safeguarding its natural environment. As the shipping routes of the Arctic have opened up comprehensively, with the reduction of the extent of the sea ice,the number of vessels using these routes has increased dramatically taking advantage of the voyage time reduction between Europe and Asia. This reduction in steaming time has resulted in a profound positive impact on the environmental influence of global shipping, resulting in a massive reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. There is a need now for designing new ships for these new routes, and the existing vessels being adapted to work on these routes, are being assessed using the new SEDNA risk-based design framework, adopted by the International Maritime Organisation. More importantly, the control hub of the ship, the Safe Arctic Bridge, will be technologically advanced to optimise human-machine interactions. Big data and information layers will be put in place using state of the art Big Data mining and analytics for critical and safer ship operations. Meteorological, Earth Observation, ice distribution and shipping routes and Automatic Identification of Ships Big data will be processed, fused and reasoned upon to provide advanced situation awareness in ship operations.

Primary investigator

  • zas

Secondary investigators


  • BMT Group Limited (UK)
  • University College London (UK)
  • Dalian University of Technology (China)
  • UK Meteorological Office
  • Cork Institute of Technology

Associated research group

  • IT Innovation Centre
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