The University of Southampton

Automated Validation of Business Critical Systems with Component Based Designs

Formal Methods, Software Engineering, Systems Engineering, Business Process Modelling
EPSRC (GR/M91013/01)

The objective of this programme is:

1. to increase the uptake of formal modelling in the business critical systems industry. We plan to achieve this by:

2. lowering the cost of entry and 3. increasing the benefits of using formal modelling. We will be able to:

4. lower the cost by building a repository of generic models of systems and components; 5. increase the benefits by making verification and validation of critical systems available to real system architects; 6. lower the cost and increase the benefits by providing automated tool support. The focus is on support of system definition and architectural design so that the systems integrator can more easily model systems and validate proposed system architectures

Primary investigators

Secondary investigators


  • IBM
  • ICL
  • Roke Manor Research
  • Praxis Critical Systems
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