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New updates to the Project Journal

CETIS Workshop PowerPoint Presentation

16 July 2007 - The FREMA project won the best paper award at the International Computer Aided Assessment Conference 2007


The FREMA Project is part of JISC's e-Learning Programme which has the aim of identifying how e-learning can facilitate learning and to advise how such e-learning systems might be implemented.

The goal of FREMA is to develop a reference model for systems in the Assessment domain of e-learning that are built on top of Service-Oriented Architectures, such as Web Services and the Grid, and in particular the JISC e-Learning Framework (ELF). The Assessment Reference Model will describe how the assessment domain maps to the ELF and thus acts as a driver for implementation and evaluation. Once complete, the Assessment Reference Model will ease the development of further services and promote the re-use of existing ones.

Assessment is a large and complex portion of the e-Learning Framework, interacting with VLE's, Portals and Marking Tools at the User Agent layer, multiple Learning Domain Services including Sequencing tools, Grading, Marking, Reporting, Competency and Tracking and relying on most of the ELF common services.

FREMA will: