The input and output arguments used by all of the functions of the Geodise toolboxes are summarised below.
Argument |
Description |
Used by Functions |
attswitch |
A string specifying whether to use attributes (‘on’ = use attributes, ‘off’ = no attributes). |
xml_format xml_load xml_parse xml_save |
classAD |
A structure describing the job to be submitted to the Condor pool. |
gd_condorsubmit |
command |
The absolute path of the chmod command on the Globus resource. |
gd_chmod |
datagroupID |
The unique identifier of a datagroup. |
gd_addusers gd_archive gd_datagroupadd |
datagroupname |
A user defined name for a datagroup. |
gd_datagroup |
datasource |
Specifies what type of metadata or data to query (‘file’, ‘datagroup’, ‘varmeta’, ‘var’ or ‘monitor’). |
gd_query gd_querydeleted |
directory |
The path of a local directory. |
gd_retrieve |
filename |
The path of a local file. |
gd_archive gd_certinfo gd_retrieve xml_load xml_save |
files |
A cell array of filenames. |
gd_submitunique |
filesystem |
The type of the filesystem used by the Globus server. |
gd_condorsubmit |
filetype |
A string specifying the GridFTP transfer type (‘ASCII’ or ‘binary’). |
gd_getfile gd_putfile gd_transferfile |
groups |
A user group ID string or list of user group IDs. |
gd_addusers |
host |
A string specifying the Globus server to be used. |
gd_chmod gd_condorsubmit gd_fileexists gd_getfile gd_jobsubmit gd_listdir gd_makedir gd_putfile gd_rmdir gd_rmfile gd_rmuniquedir gd_submitunique gd_testauthentication gd_testfiletransfer gd_testjobsubmission gd_timeauthentication gd_timefiletransfer gd_timejobsubmission |
host1 |
The Globus server that sends the file. |
gd_transferfile |
host2 |
The Globus server that receives the file. |
gd_transferfile |
hostprompt |
Indicates whether to prompt user for file host configuration during setup (1=true, 0=false). |
gd_dbsetup |
ID |
The unique identifier of a file or variable. |
gd_addusers gd_datagroupsadd gd_retrieve |
IDs |
A cell array which may contain the unique identifiers of files, variables and datagroups. |
gd_markfordeletion gd_unmarkfordeletion |
interval |
Interval (in seconds) at which the status of the job is polled. |
gd_jobpoll |
jobhandle |
A Globus GRAM job handle. |
gd_jobkill gd_jobpoll gd_jobstatus |
listhidden |
Indicates whether hidden files should be listed (1 = true, false otherwise). |
gd_listdir |
localfile |
A filename on the local machine. |
gd_getfile gd_putfile |
maxtime |
Upper limit (in seconds) for the period over which the job is polled. |
gd_jobpoll |
metadata |
A metadata structure containing information about a file, variable or datagroup. |
gd_archive gd_datagroup |
minvalue |
The minimum acceptable value for the property of the proxy certificate examined (in hours or bits). |
gd_proxyquery |
mode |
Permissions to be set on the file. |
gd_chmod |
name |
Name to use for the root element. |
xml_format xml_formatany |
orderby |
A string indicating how query results should be sorted. |
gd_query gd_querydeleted |
proxyattrib |
A string specifying the property of the proxy certificate to be examined (‘time’ or ‘strength’). |
gd_proxyquery |
qresults |
Cell array of structure(s) containing results returned from a query. |
gd_display |
query |
A query string which compares fields with values. |
gd_query gd_querydeleted |
remotedir |
The path of a directory on a Globus server. |
gd_listdir gd_makedir gd_rmdir gd_rmuniquedir gd_submitunique gd_testfiletransfer gd_testjobsubmission gd_timefiletransfer gd_timejobsubmission |
remotefile |
A filename on the remote server. |
gd_chmod gd_fileexists gd_getfile gd_putfile gd_rmfile gd_servermetrics |
remotefile1 |
The path of the file to be sent. |
gd_transferfile |
remotefile2 |
The path of the file to be received. |
gd_transferfile |
resultfields |
A string specifying selected fields to return from a query. |
gd_query gd_querydeleted |
resultlimit |
A limit on the number of results to return from a query. |
gd_query gd_querydeleted |
A string specifying the properties of a Globus GRAM job. |
gd_jobsubmit gd_submitunique |
RSLstruct |
A structure specifying the properties of a Globus GRAM job. |
gd_condorsubmit |
servers |
A structure specifying the name and working directories of the Globus servers to be tested. |
gd_servermetrics |
subdatagroupID |
The unique identifier of a datagroup that is added to another datagroup. |
gd_datagroupadd |
users |
A user ID string or cell array of user IDs. |
gd_addusers |
v |
A generic structure or variable. |
gd_archive xml_format xml_formatany xml_save |
xmlstr |
An XML string. |
xml_parse xml_parseany |
Argument |
Description |
Used by Functions |
datagroupID |
The unique identifier of a datagroup. |
gd_datagroup |
details |
A cell array containing structures that describe the details of the files and directories contained in the remote directory. |
gd_listdir |
exists |
The existence of the file on the Globus server (1 = exists, 0 = does not exist). |
gd_fileexists |
filename |
The path of a local file. |
gd_retrieve |
files |
A cell array of filenames. |
gd_listdir |
ID |
The unique identifier of a file or variable. |
gd_archive |
isdone |
Indicates whether the job complete successfully (1 = done, 0 = not done). |
gd_jobpoll |
isvalid |
Indicates whether the proxy certificate is valid (1 = valid, 0 = not valid). |
gd_proxyinfo, gd_proxyquery |
jobhandle |
A Globus GRAM job handle. |
gd_condorsubmit gd_jobsubmit gd_submitunique |
marktotal |
Total number of IDs successfully marked for deletion. |
gd_markfordeletion |
metadata |
A metadata structure containing information about a file, variable or datagroup. |
gd_retrieve |
qresults |
Cell array of structure(s) containing results returned from a query. |
gd_query gd_querydeleted |
status |
The status of the Globus GRAM job. |
gd_jobstatus |
subject |
The certificate subject line in the Globus format. |
gd_proxyinfo gd_certinfo |
success |
The result of the operation or test (1 = success, 0 = failure). |
gd_addusers gd_datagroupadd gd_testauthentication gd_testfiletransfer gd_testjobsubmission |
time |
The elapsed time in milliseconds or -1 if failed. |
gd_timeauthentication gd_timefiletransfer gd_timejobsubmission |
testresults |
A structure containing the results of tests upon an array of servers. |
uniquedir |
The path of the unique working directory created on the server. |
gd_submitunique |
unmarktotal |
Total number of IDs successfully unmarked for deletion. |
gd_unmarkfordeletion |
v |
A generic structure or variable. |
gd_retrieve xml_parse xml_parseany xml_load |
version |
Version of the Database or Compute toolbox. |
gd_compute_version gd_db_version |
xmlstr |
An XML string. |
xml_format xml_formatany |
Copyright © 2007, The Geodise Project, University of Southampton