Stores XML representation of Matlab variable or structure in XML format in a file.
xml_save stores a Matlab variable in plain text XML format into the file specified by the user.
The Matlab variable v can be any of the types supported by xml_format.
filename full filename (including path and extension).
v Matlab variable or structure to store in file.
attswitch optional, 'on' stores XML type attributes
idx, size, type (default),
'off' doesn't store XML type attributes.
This example saves a Matlab structure as XML in a file at a given location. = 'Google'
v.url = ''
v.rating = 5
v.description = 'Great search functionality for the web'
xml_save('c:/data/myfavourite.xml', v)
xml_formatany, xml_format, xml_parse , xml_load, xml_help
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