ECS Intranet:
Optical manifestations of planar chirality
Recently a new group of layered planar and quasi-planar metamaterials has emerged which promise unique electromagnetic properties. Layered metallic microstructures could play a special role in future technology, as they can be manufactured on a sub-optical wavelength scale and can be fabricated using established microelectronics technologies. We have begun a predominantly experimental study of planar and quasi-planar metallic microstructures, a new generation of metamaterials for optical applications. We will concentrate on various chiral planar metamaterials fabricated on the optical wavelength scale.
Type: Normal Research Project
Research Groups: Nano Research Group, Quantum Technology Centre
Themes: Silicon Based Photonics, Materials & Technology
Dates: 1st October 2002 to 30th September 2005
- School of Physics
Principal Investigators
- [hidden]
- Prof. Nikolay Zheludev
- ap
Other Investigators
- ap011r
- wz02r
- qm03r
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