ECS Intranet:
The MathAssess project aims to build on the significant investment JISC has made in QTI as an open standard in the e-assessment arena and supported the development of open source tool kits such as ASDEL, AQURATE and Minibix . By enhancing these toolkits and integrating with Maxima, a computer algebra system, MathAssess will shown how the specific needs of mathematics can be catered for using open content interoperability standards and open source software.
MathAssess acknowledged long-established user needs in mathematics e-assessment – diagnostic, formative and summative – providing for the delivery of truly randomised questions and tests, with hints, solutions and feedback being available to students at all appropriate stages. The project will bring together the mathematics community’s decades of experience creating and using on-line resources with a commitment to open standards with the aim of overcoming long-standing problems with lock-in and obsolescence.
Type: Normal Research Project
Research Groups: Learning Societies Lab, Electronic and Software Systems
Themes: Technology Enhanced Learning, Assessment
Dates: 1st October 2008 to 31st March 2009
Principal Investigators
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