ECS Intranet:
UBhave: ubiquitous and social computing for positive behaviour change
Our overall aim is to devise tools to study and influence human behaviour through mobile phone and social networking technology. We will develop a broad-based but in-depth understanding of the roles that social and mobile digital technologies can play in delivering successful behaviour change interventions. We will determine the technological, psychological and social factors influencing uptake, usage and effectiveness of different intervention characteristics and components in promoting positive behaviour change. Our objective is to lay foundations for a systematic science that can underpin future developments of digital behaviour change interventions. Specific outputs will be findings from a series of studies of a range of behaviour change interventions implemented through mobile phones and social networking sites, including statistical analyses of the mediators and moderators of intervention outcomes in very large-scale population applications.
Type: Normal Research Project
Research Group: Web and Internet Science
Themes: Healthcare, Pervasive Computing and Networks, Web Science
Dates: 1st October 2011 to 30th September 2014
Relevant Links
- University of Cambridge
- University of Brimingham
- University of Oxford
- University College London
Principal Investigators
- Professor Lucy Yardley
- Dr Mark J Weal
- Professor Peter Smith
- Professor David De Roure
Other Investigators
- Dr Cecilia Mascolo
- Dr Peter Rentfrow
- Dr Mirco Musolesi
- Professor Susan Michie
- [hidden]
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