700 Reasons: Reason #244

Reason: 244
If languages are indeed inessential to the UK Government’s main educational agenda, and therefore to be left to choice, opportunity and clusters of local initiatives, we might do well to address the results of this policy with a detailed mapping of the foreign language take-up by social class. We may find that the ‘unlanguaged’ are increasingly located within the postcodes of social deprivation, those socio-economic categories IV and V that the Government has identified as its main targets for raising educational aspirations and widening university participation
Footitt, H. (2003) ‘Hunting the snark: international perspectives on language policies’ in Head, D., Jones, E., Kelly, M., Tinsley, T. (eds) Setting the Agenda for Languages in Higher Education (London: CILT), pp. 75-88
Related Keywords:
Education Studies, Equality (equal opportunities), Inclusion