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Visual communication (13 Jan 06)

Date: 13 January, 2006
Location: University of Dundee
Event type: Seminar

Location map

workshop attendees

The Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies, in conjunction with the School of Applied Linguistic and Language Studies (SALLS), University of Dundee, and Scottish CILT is hosting this one day event.

Visual texts, particularly film and television, have long been used to teach undergraduates to teach other languages and to mediate other cultures. Yet visual media are used in a variety of different disciplinary contexts which rarely overlap and yet which bring different perspectives to bear. This Seminar will explore ways in which these perspectives may illuminate and enhance the teaching of Modern languages, English and Intercultural Studies.

The seminar will focus on four areas of visual communication:

  • Transnational citizenship and visual communication
  • Linguistics and Interculturality
  • Languages and Area Studies
  • Visual literacy and Cultural Studies


  • Linda Hartley and Veronique Wechtler, University of Dundee
    Contemporary cinema in language learning- from linguistic input to intercultural insight
  • Wendy Everett, University of Bath
    Seeing through Other eyes: film, vision, and the imaginary
  • David Murphy, University of Stirling
    Transnational Cinema and Intercultural Communication The Intercultural Film Studies Programme
  • Stan Falkland, St Andrews
    The eternal Pygmy: myth and repetition in the visual imaginary