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Linking teaching and research (10 July 07)

Date: 10 July, 2007
Location: Avenue Campus, University of Southampton
Event type: Conference

Past event summary

Debates about the links between teaching and research in UK higher education have intensified in recent years, as both teaching and research have come under increased pressure for performance, accountability and assessment. Increasingly, institutions and individual staff are being defined as led by either teaching or research. And the link between research and teaching is by turns derided - and hotly defended.

These debates raise a number of important questions.

  • Can a teacher in higher education be effective without also being an active researcher?
  • Are good teaching and good research conflicting goals?
  • Is a focus on one likely to lead to the neglect of the other?
  • How far should teaching be informed by or led by research?
  • Do students benefit or suffer from being taught by active researchers in their discipline, or by specialist teachers who are not themselves active in research?
  • How does the picture vary across the different phases of higher education, between different types of student, or between different types of institution?
  • What are the roles of academic leaders and institutional management in negotiating the research-teaching nexus?
  • What models are available in other European countries and further afield?

This conference aimed to delve beneath the rhetoric and explore the complex relationship between teaching and research in Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies.

Keynote speakers

Prof. Clare Mar-Molinero
Head of Modern Languages, School of Humanities, University of Southampton

Co-editor of Language Ideologies, Policies and Practices: the Future of Language in Europe (Palgrave Macmillan, 2006).

Prof. Alan Jenkins
Consultant- Higher Education Academy

Co-author of Reshaping Teaching in Higher Education: Linking Teaching with Research (Routledge Falmer 2002).


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Abstracts (pdf, 35Kb) | Abstracts (Word, 53Kb)

Provisional programme for 10 July 2007
Time Lecture Theatre B
10.30 - 11.00 Registration and coffee
11.00 - 11.50 Keynote: The Hyphenated Identity of the Academic Scholar: Codeswitching across teaching-research
Prof Clare Mar-Molinero, Head of Modern Languages, School of Humanities, University of Southampton
Powerpoint Presentation
11.50 - 13.00

The use of research to improve teaching and learning in the foreign language classroom
Nuria López and Noelia Alcarazo, University of Leicester
Powerpoint Presentation | Description of practice

Action research for curriculum developments in languages: identifying troublesome grammar knowledge
Marina Orsini-Jones, Coventry University
Powerpoint Presentation

Piloting a framework for learner strategy training to support independent learning
María Blanco-Hermida, University of Westminster

13.00 - 14.00 Lunch
14.00 - 14.50 Keynote: Linking Teaching and Research in Disciplines/Courses and Departments in Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies
Prof Alan Jenkins, Consultant HE Academy, Oxford Brookes University
Powerpoint Presentation | Bibliography
14.50 - 15.30

Teaching and researching L2 writing: Exploring academic identities as teachers and researchers in a Spanish university setting
Rosa M. Manchón, Liz Murphy and Julio Roca de Larios, Universidad de Murcia
Powerpoint Presentation

The role of professional doctorates in the development of academic roles and identities
Catherine Watts and Angela Pickering, University of Brighton
Powerpoint Presentation | Description of Practice

15.30 - 15.50 Tea
15.50 - 16.50

Learning from teaching or how classroom teaching can benefit our research
Hanna Thompson, SOAS
Powerpoint Paper

The presence of language research in undergraduate education
Matilde Sainz, Pili Sagasta and Julia Barnes, Mondragon Unibertsitatea
Powerpoint Presentation | Handout

Why can’t you understand that we don’t understand what you are talking about?
Jelena Timotijevic, University of Brighton

16.50 - 17.15 Plenary
Chair: Prof Michael Kelly, Director, Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies


School of Humanities
Avenue Campus
University of Southampton
SO17 1BF