What lies beneath? An ethnographic analysis of translator behaviour

Date: 10 March, 2009
Location: School of Modern Languages and Cultures, Durham University, Elvet Riverside, room 148, Durham DH1 3JT
Event type: Seminar presentation and discussion

Location map

students in class

Dr Hubscher-Davidson has worked on several aspects of Thinking Aloud Protocol for training translators; her research has moved into an extremely interesting area that links translational with ethnographic behaviours. In our new MA programme training of translators (therefore of native speakers) from and into Mandarin Chinese, Russian, and European languages coexist thus offering a wide-range of cultural onsets to learning and teaching translation.

Taking an ethnographic perspective on translators’ cognitive and learning strategies, as well as translational activity, Hubscher-Davidson’s talk will offer both our trainers and existing students, as reflective practitioners, the possibility of engaging with a subject that is both essential to train practitioners of different backgrounds and based upon action research reflections on translators training and translation teaching.

Please email Dr Federico Federici at f.m.federici@durham.ac.uk to register and for further details.  This event is sponsored by the Subject Centre's guest speaker fund.