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Curriculum 2000, part 2

Date: 11 October, 2002
Location: Open University, London
Event type: Workshop

Past event summary

This event was designed as an opportunity for colleagues in language departments to bring themselves up to date on changes in the secondary school/college sector and for discussion of related admissions and curricular issues.

As the first cohort of Curriculum 2000 students entered higher education, it seemed that universities were still not clear how to react to changes brought on by the new curriculum. Admissions policies, interpretation of the new tariff and a view of the importance of the key skills components seemed to vary from institution to institution. Instead of taking advantage of a broadened curriculum, we risked sending out mixed messages to colleagues in schools and colleges. As one respondent pointed out in a joint QCA/UCAS survey of the impact of Curriculum 2000:

informal advice from HE institutions does not match the formal or official stance – students are regularly told to ‘just get 3 A2s’ at open days.

Changes in the take up of languages at AS and A2 level, as well as changes in the pre- and post-16 language curriculum also needed to be taken into consideration by modern language departments. As well as issues of recruitment, they were seen as likely to impact on the level, content and structure of language courses offered.

Speakers included Kate Green - QCA (Qualifications and Curriculum Authority), Richard Skerrett - UCAS, Keith Marshall - CILT Cymru/Uni. of Wales, Bangor and the Subject Centre as well as from modern language departments in both the post-16 and HE sectors. We also aimed to bring you the latest data on admissions and on take up of languages at AS/A2 level.