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2nd Symposium: Competing for Space Can immigrant and indigenous linguistic minorities coexist?

Date: 26 September, 2002
Location: University of Southampton
Event type: Symposium

Past Event Summary

After the highly successful first symposium,The End of Babel?, held in 2001, Southampton University's School of Modern Languages and the Subject Centre for Language, Linguistics and Area Studies once again hosted a day symposium on a current topical language issue.

We were very fortunate in securing four excellent and well-known speakers to deliver the key papers.

  • Prof. Peter Nelde (Catholic University, Brussels)
  • Dr. Miquel Strubell (Universitat Oberta, Catalunya, and formerly of the Language Policy Directorate of the Generalitat)
  • Euan Reid (Institute of Education, London)

The Subject Centre Languages Box was launched at the symposium and written up in the Times Educational Supplement so that schools and colleges were alerted to the fact that they should contact their local university to come and talk about the benefits of language learning.