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Web-based learning and teaching for languages, Linguistics and Area Studies (Beginners)

Date: 30 March, 2001
Location: Unversity of Westminster
Event type: Workshop

Web-based learning and teaching for languages, Linguistics and Area Studies (Beginners)

Past event summary

This workshop was designed to provide forum for discussion about web based learning in languages, linguistics and area studies, and to provide experience with authoring software and techniques. The report contains links to speakers and to other resources.

Event report


The aims of this workshop were:

  • to provide a forum for discussion of what web-based learning might add to teaching and learning of languages, linguistics and area studies
  • to provide examples of good practice in using the web
  • to give starting points from which staff will be able to locate existing resources for their own use
  • to discuss issues in integrating the web into teaching and learning
  • to provide hands-on experience in authoring materials for the web


Discussion Session and Feedback: Why Use the Web? (Mick Short and Dawn Archer)

Mick Short and Dawn Archer began the day with an overview of different types of resources available on the web and their potential uses in teaching and learning. Participants then formed small groups to discuss reasons why the web might be useful in the teaching of their subject area, the types of resources available, and the advantages and disadvantages of using the web. Among the advantages was the increased access to a wealth of information and resources. However the vastness of the web was also considered a potential disadvantage. The development of skills required to sift through the information available and make more effective use of the resources was seen as crucial. Participants thought that there was a need for help and advice in finding resources. This was met to some extent by Sue Currell's session on locating resources.

Case study presentations

Languages - Creating web-based resources (Tony McNeill)
Linguistics - Stylistics Toolkit (Mick Short and Dawn Archer)
Studies - A Brief Evaluation of How the Internet is being used in American Universities and English and American Studies (Sue Currell)

Locating Resources (Sue Currell)

Integrating Resources (Dawn Ebbrell) (RTF document 61kb)

Worksheet-based exercise where participants were given two scenarios where the same web-based resource was integrated into teaching. Participants had to discuss: adequacy of the material to meet teaching and learning needs, staff and student support needed, integration into teaching and learning e.g. building it into assessment, accessibility of equipment etc. (e.g Resource: Virtual Seminars for Teaching Literature )

Web-based Authoring (William Haworth)

Overview of two tools available followed by hands-on using two web authoring tools Hot potatoes and WELTS


Further resources

Internet Resources for Language Teachers and Learners

A Language Professional's Guide to the World Wide Web
(CALICO Journal,1996, Volume 13 no.s 2 & 3 article by Carolyn G. Fidelman, Northeastern University and Agora Language Marketplace)

ICT4LT (Information and Communications Technology for Language Teachers)

C&IT Centre Software Database

C&IT Centre Software Reviews

CALICO Software Reviews

C&IT Centre CALL Bibliography

ALLADIN: Autonomous Language Learning for Art & Design using Interactive Networks

Please contact Janet Bartle if you have any questions regarding this workshop, or if you require further information.