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Call for papers: Teaching across cultures: interdisciplinary thinking and student diversity in an international context

News summary

Unfortunately this event has been cancelled. The Subject Centre and the School of Art, Media & Design, University of Gloucester are looking for contributions to our forthcoming event on 1st November 2003. This conference is aimed at those who teach cultural material as part of Anglophone Area studies programmes in the Higher Education sector (particularly American, Australian and Canadian Studies) as well as those involved in teaching elements of Anglophone cultures in Education, Film, History, Media/Media Communications, Human Geography, Postcolonial Studies and Sociology courses. The focus of the conference is on classroom practice.

University of Gloucestershire to give papers should be submitted in the form of a short abstract of no more that 300 words, together with your contact details. The closing date for the receipt of abstracts is 30 April 2003. Please email proposals to

For further information visit the conference website at: