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Cascading good practice: 'Workshop to go' project, 2004

News summary

The Subject Centre is inviting bids to develop training packs for enhancing staff skills in the use of new technologies for learning and teaching in the relevant subject areas. The successful applicant will be required to produce a training pack and run two regional training sessions for HE staff. Participants at these training sessions will then be expected to 'cascade' the training within their institutions.

It is envisaged that each pack with consist of three parts:

  1. Explanation: an overview of the tool, skill or issue to be developed
  2. Examples: sample materials which illustrate the practical exploitation of a tool, the development of a skill or the response to an issue
  3. Exercises: hands-on activities for materials development, skills training or discussion

The materials should be exploitable both independently and with a facilitator and may be in either electronic or hard copy format. (NB electronic delivery should incorporate the facility to download a hard copy of some of the materials to allow flexibility of delivery).

Possible themes for 'workshops to go' are:

  • Setting up and using synchronous and asynchronous discussions
  • Use of the MOO for learning and teaching
  • Making the best of a VLE
  • Teaching research skills for the web
  • Exploiting concordancers and corpora in learning and teaching
  • Integrating technology into the year abroad

Colleagues interested in developing a workshop to go' are invited to contact the Subject Centre, in the first instance, outlining (in no more than 500 words) the proposed topic and content of the pack. Please note that additional topics to those listed above are welcome but that all proposals should include the use of new technologies.

Each workshop carries a budget of £1000 that will cover the development of the pack and its presentation at 2 regional cascading' workshops.

All workshops to go will also be freely disseminated by the Subject Centre through our online Materials Bank.

Submitting a proposal

This round of funding is now closed. See the 'Workshop to go' 2005 page.

Only fully completed proposal forms which reach the Subject Centre by 17.00, 8 November 2004 will be considered for funding. Proposals should be sent using the official form only. Signed copies of the proposals should be sent by post. In addition, an electronic copy should be sent by email. Address to send proposals: Sue Nash, Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies, School of Humanities, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ. 02380 594814

The timetable for the projects will be:

  • December 2004: Successful bids notified
  • January - March 2005: Development of workshops
  • April 2005: Dissemination workshops
  • May - December 2005: Cascading training
  • January 2006: feedback from trainers