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Call for bids: Materials development projects

News summary

The Subject Centre's Materials Bank has been set up to encourage and facilitate the sharing of teaching materials in Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. The Subject Centre is currently seeking to expand and develop this resource and is making some funds available for the development of additional materials for the Bank. We are inviting bids for small-scale projects (max £5000 per project) which will develop new materials that can be made available for sharing across the sector. Projects should, therefore, relate to materials that address an area of need (e.g. lack of good/available resources), a particular teaching issue/method/tool or relate to a core aspect of a discipline.

Submitting a proposal

Download: proposal form (rtf, 125Kb)

The closing date for applications is 30th November 2004 and projects will begin in January 2005. Proposals should be sent using the official form only. Signed copies of the proposals should be sent by post. In addition, an electronic copy should be sent by email. Address to send proposals: Sue Nash, Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies, School of Humanities, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ. 023 8059 4814.

All materials will be freely disseminated by the Subject Centre through our online Materials Bank.