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Linking teaching and disciplinary research: Case studies of effective practice in the disciplines

News summary

Call for case studies: The Higher Education Academy Supporting New Academic Staff (SNAS) project is seeking case studies. Every submission is automatically included in a prize draw for a £50 Amazon voucher.

Entries mean prizes!

"Universities need to set as a mission goal the improvement of the nexus between research and teaching. The aim is to increase the circumstances in which teaching and research have occasion to meet." Hattie and Marsh (1996, 533)

"In constructing links between research and teaching the discipline is an important mediator" Healey (2005, 67)

The Higher Education Academy Supporting New Academic Staff (SNAS) project, directed by Mick Healey ( and Alan Jenkins ( are seeking case studies from disciplines covered by the 15 Subject Centres, including Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies:

Two initial questions:

  1. Is this a case study that will help other staff as individuals or course teams to design, teach and/or assess a course in ways that link teaching and research/consultancy in your subject area?
  2. Do you want to enter your case study in a prize draw that can win you £50 in an Amazon voucher to spend on books, CD's etc?

After 25 case studies have been entered from across all the Subject Centres in the project, one will be randomly drawn out of an electronic hat and win the voucher. The same will happen every time 25 more case studies have been submitted up to the time they total 200. We expect you will like to win but first you have to send a case study!

Please send your case studies by 31 July 2006 to John Canning ( Once edited the case studies will be displayed on the Subject Centre website and there will be a direct link from The Academy SNAS Project website.


Download the case study pro-forma (Word, 91Kb).