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Good practice capture in incorporating sustainable development into undergraduate courses

News summary

We want to know how you and your colleagues incorporate sustainability into your courses. We are looking to capture the type of curriculum material and teaching approaches you have developed. We are also interested in understanding any barriers to, or opportunities for, embedding sustainability into your courses.


The Higher Education Academy is exploring education for sustainable development so as to assist those institutions and academic colleagues who want to make it part of their teaching provision.

Building on the initial findings of previous research, principally the Dawe et al. report, the Higher Education Academy would like to take the integration of sustainability further and has commissioned Forum for the Future, the UK's leading sustainable development charity, to carry out a baseline study with the aim of identifying existing good practice across all subjects. The end result of this research will be a summary of the findings which will then be distilled into a web-based good practice resource for lecturers and HEI's wanting to develop sustainability literacy within their curricula.


We would really value finding out if and how you/colleagues incorporate sustainability into your courses. We are looking to capture the type of curriculum material and teaching approaches you have developed. We are also interested in understanding any barriers to or opportunities for, embedding sustainability into your courses.

A short questionnaire has been designed to aid capture and is available at

If you would like a bit more information or examples to help you complete it, do get in touch. We want to promote the sharing of good practice but if you wish to remain anonymous then leave the 'submitted by' blank.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us at (or Simon Smith: or Heather Witham: at the Higher Education Academy,) and please return the questionnaire to Forum by 29 September.