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Call for bids: HE Academy Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning Group

News summary

The HE Academy Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning Group invites bids for up to £8,000 each for two small-scale projects. Practitioners from any discipline in UK higher education are welcome to apply.

Call for bids

HE Academy Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning Group

Bidders from any discipline are welcome to bid for up to £8,000 to research either of the following projects:

Project C: Investigating the student experience of Interdisciplinary Masters' Programmes

Masters' degrees that explicitly integrate two or more disciplines (e.g. Sustainable Development, Renaissance Studies) are becoming increasingly common in UK higher education. The successful bidder will investigate the student experience of such courses, and make recommendations about how this postgraduate experience may impact on undergraduate course design. It is envisaged that the project will focus on 2 or 3 particular programmes in detail.

Project D: An investigation of how Subject Centres can support academics teaching on emerging and 'uncovered' courses

There are 24 Higher Education Academy subject centres in the Subject Centre Network covering over 40 subject areas. However, some emerging and some more established communities, made up of two or more disciplines do not have an obvious subject centre home', e.g. Cognitive Science, Digital Media, Women's Studies. The successful bidder will explore ways in which the Subject Centre Network can support academic staff teaching on such programmes.

The successful bidders will be expected to present their findings at a conference in Cambridge in early September 2007.

Submitting a proposal

Download: application form (rtf, 378Kb)

The projects will run from 1 March 2007 until 30 September 2007. Applications must be made by application form and arrive by mail and signed by an appropriate HoD / other senior manager by 15 December 2006. Please also send an electronic copy to John Canning Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their bid in January. Overheads are not included.

John Canning,
Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies,
School of Humanities,
University of Southampton,
Southampton SO17 1BJ
Fax 023 8059 4815