'Workshops to Go': Call for Bids 2007/8 - deadline extended
News summary
Proposals are invited for this year’s Workshop to Go programme. Workshops dealing with key themes for this year include assessment, supporting new staff and engaging with employers will be particularly welcome. The successful applicant will be required to produce a training pack and run two regional training sessions for HE staff. Participants at the workshop will then be expected to 'cascade' the training within their institutions.
Call for bids
The Subject Centre is inviting bids from colleagues in UK Higher Education to develop and run workshops for teaching and support staff in Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. The successful applicant(s) will be required to plan, run and report on two regional workshops for HE staff. Any resources produced for the training events will be made available to staff in other institutions via the Subject Centre website. Workshops can cover any area relevant to the teaching of LLAS disciplines, but this year we will particularly welcome workshops relating to our three key themes:
- Assessment
- Engaging with employers
- Supporting new staff and professional development
Please note that additional topics to those listed above are welcome.
Examples of previous workshops
- Assessment and feedback in modern languages
http://www.llas.ac.uk/events/archive/2750 - Online education using communication tools
http://www.llas.ac.uk/events/archive/2768 - Supporting students’ learning in modern languages
Submitting a proposal
Download: proposal form (doc, 35Kb)
Each workshop carries a budget of £1000 that will cover the development of the workshop, its delivery at 2 regional ‘cascading’ workshops and the production of any support materials. This will include any travel and catering costs for the workshops. The first workshop should take place between January and June 2008 and the second between October and December 2008
All workshops to go will also be freely disseminated by the Subject Centre through our website, e-bulletin, and online Materials Bank.
The deadline for proposals has now been extended. Proposals should be sent to a.m.dickens@soton.ac.uk by 21st December 2007.
The timetable for the projects will be:
- December 2007: Successful bids notified
- January - June 2008: Workshop one
- October - December 2008: Workshop two
- January 2009: Final report and materials delivered