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Area Studies colleagues: Request for help from colleague in classics concerning study abroad

News summary

Classics in the Subject Centre (CSC) at the Higher Education Academy is supporting research for a project entitled: Mapping Internationalisation in the Classics.

The rationale of the project is to provide the disciplinary community with a picture of the presence of study or travel abroad programmes catering to the needs of students following degree programmes in Classics and related disciplines at UK HEIs. Area studies, American Studies in particular, has a long tradition of promoting study abroad and it seems that there may exist many parallels with Classical studies in this regard where study abroad has largely cultural and historical rather than linguistic goals and with increasing numbers of Classics students electing to study abroad in the USA.

Any comments or suggestions from the Area Studies community would be very much appreciated. If you feel you have information to contribute please get in touch with Scott Burgess, project lead.

For more information go to the The Subject Centre for History website.