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Why study languages? Classroom calendar and website

News summary

2011 will be the third year that Routes into Languages produces its popular 'Why Study Languages?' calendar - order now in time for January!

2011 classroom calendar

New for 2011 is the addition of interactive support materials that are designed to generate classroom discussion. These resources will draw on other areas of the curriculum including art and design, music, food technology, creative writing, history and culture and geography.

At just £6 including p&p, it's fun and ideal for raising awareness of a wide range of languages.

To place your order visit the Routes into Languages website

Feedback from teachers

"The calendar has been a super resource, sparking interest and debate at a number of levels - thank you again"

"The calendar you produce is fantastic and every Language Centre should have one - what a great way to see different languages, scripts and alphabets with excellent images to match"

"As Head of Modern Languages I would like to congratulate you on the 2010 Why study languages calendar. It has been a joy to turn from one month to the next and learn about different countries and language"

Screen shots from the Why study languages website

Accompanying student website

Also, our new student facing website; Why study languages? contains lots of interactive quizzes, videos and practical advice for KS3, KS4 and Post-16.