A UK Survey for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies students

News summary

LLAS is proposing to develop a UK-wide survey of students of languages and related subjects. The survey would include discipline-specific questions on year abroad experiences (where applicable), L2 teaching, progress, and confidence, resources and technology, curriculum content. Data collection policies and the publication of results from would be under the same terms as the National Student Survey.

A UK Survey for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies

As demonstrated in the recent LLAS report (http://www.llas.ac.uk/resources/paper/6481) , the National Student Survey (NSS) is taking on more importance at the institutional level. However, in discussions with lecturers and students it is apparent that many of the NSS questions are ambiguous and it is difficult to derive data which can truly provide information about the disciplinary experience. Moreover, there are no specific questions for joint honours students so students are unable to report on different experiences with language and non-language subjects or different experiences of learning different languages.

LLAS is proposing to develop a UK-wide survey of students of languages and related subjects. The survey would include discipline-specific questions on year abroad experiences (where applicable), L2 teaching, progress, and confidence, resources and technology, curriculum content. Data collection policies and the publication of results from would be under the same terms as the National Student Survey.

There will be a small charge for institutions wishing to take part in the survey. If you are interested in participating, please contact John Canning j.canning@soton.ac.uk.

LLAS tailored workshops

We have been asked recently to put on training sessions for staff in individual departments and are now in a position to offer courses to institutions looking to offer dedicated training to their teams. We can design these training opportunities around specific themes (see below):

  • English for Academic Purposes
  • Independent learning
  • Interpreting
  • Internationalisation
  • Employability
  • Literature and Culture
  • E-learning
  • Coaching & mentoring
  • Assessment

The cost of these workshops are as follows:

  • Option 1: the workshop is delivered to your team for a set fee of £395 for half a day or £695 for a full day plus trainer travel and accommodation costs where necessary.
  • Option 2: the workshop is delivered in your institution free of charge and with 2 free places for your staff in exchange for the following: free venue, LLAS advertises the event nationally on its website, delegates are charged our standard delegate rates (£95 for half a day or £125 for a full day) and a minimum of 10 delegates is required to run the event.

LLAS bespoke workshops

If you would like us to design courses built around the particular needs of your staff or issues you would like to address, we offer a bespoke service. These start at £595 for half a day (4 hours) and £895 for a full day (plus travel and accommodation) depending on content.

If you would like to know more about what LLAS can offer you, call us on 023 8059 4814 or email llas@soton.ac.uk.