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Opening the Door

Opening the Door to Language Learning (OdLL)

Opening the door to language learning (OdLL) was a three-year project funded by the European Community Socrates Programme, which sought to develop and test strategies for increasing access to language learning. We worked with partners in Belgium, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Spain and Sweden.


January, 2002 - January, 2005

Key contact(s):

Alison Dickens
Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies

Funded by:

European Community Socrates Lingua 1 programme

European Community Socrates Lingua 1 programme

Project partners:

Project aims:

To encourage organisations delivering language learning (universities, colleges, schools, publishers, businesses) to develop initiatives whereby their materials and expertise could be made available to a wider and different set of learners.


Handbook: Opening the door to language learning The OdLL Project consisted of three phases, the first two being devoted to trialling and evaluating open learning models in seven European countries (Belgium, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom). The third phase consisted of evaluating these models and compiling a guide to good practice in promoting language learning, of which the handbook was a key element.

The project also has a website which hosts some of the output.

Further resources available on our website:

European Commission Socrates Lingua programme

Join the Club

LLAS was a partner in this Lingua 1 project, which established a network of community based language learning clubs

The Language Café

This European Commission funded project built on the concept of café culture to provide informal, social settings for people to get together, practise languages and share cultural interests. We developed a multilingual website which includes downloadable materials offering advice on setting up and joining a Language Cafe, publicity and sponsorship, and ideas for activities (