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News item

news iconSurvey of 'non-specialist' language learners

LLAS with support from UCML are carrying out a survey on the motivations of 'non-specialists' studying languages in UK higher education and the languages and types of study on offer. The survey has been funded by the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).

LLAS Event

llasevent iconPlanning for differentiation - regional networking event for teachers of languages to adults
Event date: 12 June, 2010
Location: York St John University, York


paper iconThe Language Café

The Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies is coordinating a two-year European Socrates Lingua 1 funded project exploring informal and socially situated language learning for adults. The Language Café project draws on the existing and growing café culture around Europe and aims to create an expanding network of Language Cafés which take place in real cafes and other publicly accessible social spaces. This paper outlines the background to the Language Café project, reports on progress to date, and discusses the major successes and challenges encountered in setting up and sustaining a Language Café.

paper iconWidening Participation focus group report
The Subject Centre convened a focus group on 1st November 2004, to discuss Widening Participation in Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies, and how the Subject Centre may help practitioners in their activities. This report is a brief overview of some of the issues and viewpoints that emerged from the group. If you have any comments and/or questions concerning WP, please contact John Canning