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Projects by theme :: 'Employability'

Career destinations of modern languages graduates in Northern Ireland 2005-2009

The project is employing a researcher to track the career destinations of modern languages graduates from Northern Irish universities from the academic year 2005-2006 to the current academic year. By compiling an authoritative and informative database the project will make proposals in relation to the marketing of languages at university and also the career guidance given to students of modern languages. It is also anticipated that the data compiled will assist in course planning in both HEIs in Northern Ireland, not least in relation to combined degrees involving a link between the study of language and other subjects.

5 October 2009

Integration of university careers and volunteering services, curriculum provision and local voluntary organisations

This project aims to identify the opportunities for students to develop sustainability skills (promoting community cohesion, environmental sustainability and organisational social responsibility) in volunteering activities and work placement, as well as in aspects of the curriculum that support and accredit the development of these skills. The project will involve partnership working between the London Met student volunteering service (‘Reach’), the Department of Applied Social Sciences and local voluntary organisations in the social and environmental sectors. It aims to produce a report analysing the sustainability skills valued by voluntary sector employers, and best practice guidelines on how to develop these skills.

22 May 2008

Investigating longer-term employability in the humanities

LLAS worked in collaboration with the Subject Centres for English, and History, Classics and Archaeology to carry out a piece of research into the longer-term employability of graduates of these discipline areas.

3 May 2005

Themes > Skills > Employability