Career destinations of modern languages graduates in Northern Ireland 2005-2009
The project is employing a researcher to track the career destinations of modern languages graduates from Northern Irish universities from the academic year 2005-2006 to the current academic year. By compiling an authoritative and informative database the project will make proposals in relation to the marketing of languages at university and also the career guidance given to students of modern languages. It is also anticipated that the data compiled will assist in course planning in both HEIs in Northern Ireland, not least in relation to combined degrees involving a link between the study of language and other subjects.
September, 2009 - May, 2010
Key contact(s):
John Gillespie
University of Ulster
David Johnston
Queens University, Belfast
Funded by:
Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies
Project aims:
To map career destinations of graduates from Northern Irish universities since 2005-6. To provide useful data to aid the promotion of languages and area studies courses. To inform career guidance given to students in Northern Ireland and beyond.
The project will enable the institutions in Northern Ireland to map the career progress of linguists in the province. However it should also be useful as a generic study of career destinations for students in other areas, especially those in economically more peripheral areas. It will then be valuable to provide useful data for the promotion of language/ area studies courses, simply because the employability issue is vital in relation to the recruitment of undergraduate students. It should also serve as a model for future, more extensive studies in the area of languages.
School of Languages, Literatures & Cultures, University of Ulster
School of Languages, Literatures and Performing Arts, Queens University Belfast
Further resources available on our website:
Supporting Teaching and Learning in Northern Ireland
Employability, Entrepreneurship and Employer Engagement in LLAS