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Employability, enterprise and employer engagement

Call for case studies: employability, entrepreneurship and employer engagement (the 3 E's)

Colleagues are invited to submit case studies of activities involving students of languages, linguistics or area studies to share good practice in this increasingly important area of activity. Possible activities include assessed modules/ assignments, workplacements, partnerships with employers and working with careers advisors.

A template to help you organise your case study is available here: Case study template (152Kb, Word). Please submit your completed case study to John Canning

Case studies received to date

LLAS Publications

Allan, R. (2006) A Wider perspective and more options: Investigating the longer term employability of humanities graduates. (Southampton: Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies).

Croucher, K., Canning, J. & Gawthrope, J. (2007)  Here be dragons? Enterprising graduates in the humanities. (Southampton: Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies).

LLAS website resources

Canning, J. (2004) Enhancing employability: A guide for teaching staff in languages, linguistics and area studies.

Canning, J. (2007) Commercial awareness and employability.

Hudson, R. (2006) How can key skills "sell" Linguistics to students and employers?

700 Reasons for Studying Languages database: Employability 

Search LLAS website by keyword: employability

Other languages, linguistics and area studies resources

Higher Education Academy: Student employability profiles for languages, linguistics and area studies

Languages Work

National Network for Interpreting

National Network for Translating

British Association for American Studies graduate survey

Higher Education Academy resources 

Higher Education Academy: Scottish Higher Education Employability Network (SHEEN) 

Higher Education Academy: Employability and enterprise

Higher Education Academy: Employer engagement

Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL)

Embedding, Enhancing and Integrating Employability (Sheffield Hallam University)

Centre for Promoting Learner Autonomy (Sheffield Hallam University)

Centre for Employability through the Humanities (University of Central Lancashire)

Centre for Professional Learning from the Workplace (University of Westminster)

White Rose CETL Enterprise (Universities of Sheffield, Leeds and York)

Centre for Excellence in Leadership and Professional Learning (Liverpool John Moores University)

Bridges Experience CETL - Fostering personal development and employability (University of Bedfordshire)

Other resourses

Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS)

AGCAS Scotland

Higher Education Statistics Agency: Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education