
This paper will illustrate how the integration of voice tools and subtitling software in conjunction with the use of a virtual learning environment (VLE) into the teaching and learning of Italian have enabled staff at Coventry University to explore innovative ways of delivering the syllabus and created more opportunities for students to engage with work-related activities and simulations in line with the government's drive towards an employability agenda for HE. The presentation will also show how the new tools have boosted students engagement and motivation. The major features of the voice tools and subtitling software will be demonstrated and examples will be given of activities carried out with learners of Italian from absolute beginner to advanced level. Examples will also be given on how the voice tools could be used to create spoken entries for an e-portfolio.

The development of the British Council Personal Development Portfolio arose from a desire to recognise the transferable skills and experience acquired during the language assistantship in a more formal way. A collaboration with several universities and the Centre for Recording Achievement has resulted in a 'default' PDP which universities can customise in accordance with their own QA requirements for dual certification from the BC and the home institution. Response from participating students and tutors has been very favourable - 'for the first time, students were able to acknowledge the changes they go through which are usually obvious to members of staff who see them return from their year abroad.' This paper will describe the various elements of the British Council PDP, and will also outline the pedagogical support and materials available on the dedicated Language Assistant website, developed with the co-operation of ELT specialists in the British Council.

A number of small projects undertaken in this institution have assessed the extent to which Personal Development Planning enhances student learning and impacts on achievement and progression. Having provided an overview of PDP in the Languages Department, this paper will describe the support mechanisms in place (including the institutional Progress File) and provide statistical data comparing levels of engagement with PDP and overall student achievement. Staff and student perceptions of the value of PDP mechanisms in supporting independent learning will be reported and a pilot scheme for early induction to PDP processes evaluated.

This paper examined the dual roles - student and teacher - played by participants in a postgraduate programme for language teachers, the Master's in Teaching Modern Languages to Adults (TMLA), run in online mode at the University of Dundee, Scotland, since 2003. It was explained that in order to enrol as a student on the programme, an individual must already be a practising teacher of languages, usually at post-compulsory level. Participants are spread across the world, from Asia and the Middle East to Europe and the Americas.

This study, which was inspired by the Dearing Report, aimed to explore the nature of student perception of their skills development. Taking place over five years and involving 35 undergraduate students, the study found that students had a low awareness of the skills that they were intended to develop and many of them were unaware of the skills requirements of employers. As a result of these findings, Personal Development Plans were used to bridge this gap and it is hoped that the experience gained form this study can be transferred to other contexts.

This article reports on the impact of a curriculum innovation in the area of academic and professional skills for undergraduate linguists at Coventry University, the aims of which were to raise students' awareness of language learning processes and reflect upon their own learning. The authors that all involved found this curriculum development very beneficial.
LLAS Event

Event date: 11 November, 2005
Location: CILT, London

Event date: 5 December, 2002
Location: British Council, Spring Gardens, London
Materials Bank Item

A support package for university departments and LTSN Centres. The purpose of the Kit is to bring together information about skills developments and related activities across disciplines and thus provide an opportunity to learn from the experiences of colleagues working in other subjects.
News item

The Subject Centre is distributing the CERCLES European Language Portfolio (ELP) request form for all members of AULC (Association of University Language Centres).

The Humbox is a humanities teaching resource repository jointly managed by LLAS.