Key skills: Developing key skills and PDP in Higher Education
Author: Artie Vossel-Newman
© CDELL, University of Nottingham
A support package for university departments and LTSN Centres. The purpose of the Kit is to bring together information about skills developments and related activities across disciplines and thus provide an opportunity to learn from the experiences of colleagues working in other subjects.Format:
Html and text files
Access to materials
Download Developing Key Skills and PDP in Higher Education (8000kb)
- A guide introducing and supporting key skills in higher education
- A guide introducing and supporting personal development planning (PDP) in higher education
- A survey of projects, resources, events and other materials available through the 24 Learning and Teaching Support Network (LTSN) centres in the UK
- Information about CDELL.

The Humbox is a humanities teaching resource repository jointly managed by LLAS.