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University of Southampton OCS (beta), CAA 2012

Social Spreading of Geometric, Recorded Data from a Range of Types 3D Scanners via a Web Data Server.
Jorge Angas, Paula Uribe, Alfredo Serreta

Last modified: 2011-12-21


Currently, the apparent rate of development of technology, together with social immediacy, often does not allow the establishment of an entire process of technologies and procedures necessary in all types of geometric documentation projects. How to focus the latest geometric documentation techniques applied to Cultural Heritage, aimed at a didactic application, is a complex process. The development of this purpose must balance the research process with the social spreading of scientific knowledge. During the last few years, new techniques for geometric documentation as applied to Cultural Heritage have been developed. These techniques have triggered a scientific and specialized revolution in the fields of Architecture, Art and Archaeology. The use of these tools has allowed the precise and detailed reproduction of all kinds of personal and real property and their subsequent morphological analysis. One of these new techniques, which focuses on the documentation of Cultural Heritage sites, stand out from the rest by applying a three-dimensional scanning technology (phase-shift, time of flight, triangulation and structured light).  The information generated by these different methods gives, a totally accurate and precise 3D model,  and makes it possible to carry out subsequent analyses that will increase the knowledge and the documentation of the monument. This technique enables us to confront new methodological focuses through the creation of 3D databases. However, the lack of a standardized or normalized process in the development and in the management of three-dimensional models, has curtailed the widespread use of available resources.   This standardization should include the following premises: accessibility, comprehension and geometric utility.

The topic addressed in this paper is related to the post-processing of the data generated by the scanner and its use on a web server. With this aim we have had, as an example of development, the accomplishment of the project “Documentation, Assessment and Diffusion of Roman Hydraulic Cultural Heritage in the Middle-Valley of the River Ebro (Spain)”. The principal objective of this project was the the combination of the trinomial: register, value enhancement and social spreading of the seven different monuments related to the Roman Hydraulic Cultural Heritage and the related “water cycle process” –collection, distribution and evacuation- found in Roman architecture.

Our research ultimately aims at carrying out a “democratizing” process of the three-dimensional data. In the same way that a scientific corpus is generated with the obtained data,  we believe that it is necessary to spread this data to the whole of society. With this purpose in mind, we have created 3D models of each Roman hydraulic site, in a user-friendly web server, making a greater dissemination of each monument, and providing a better understanding of archaeological sites. Consequently, this report intends to establish a brief reflection of the state of the enquiry, underlining that one of the present problems is the representation of Cultural Heritage and provide a starting point for a potential solution for each one of these problems and thus contribute to the establishment of a coherent development in the process of creativity, innovation, culture and education.


3D scanner; geometric data; social spreading; web data server