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University of Southampton OCS (beta), CAA 2012

Application of RTI in Conservation

Last modified: 2011-12-18


Recent developments in RTI technology lead to the growing number of applications of RTI as a tool for examination and analysis of surface detail, documentation, as well as a means of communication, dissemination and presentation. The present work is focused on RTI’s contribution to the conservation objectives, namely, accessibility, durability, integrity and practicality.

Applications of RTI on a large number and variety of artefact types and materials, derived from the Hellenistic cemetery of Derveni, in Macedonia, Greece, reveal hidden details, related to every phase of the objects biography, such as manufacture, use, decay and conservation. It clearly demonstrates the crucial role of RTI as a preventive conservation measure, which limits the human-object interaction considerably and can be valuable in case of fragile artefacts. Furthermore, the application of microscopic Highlight RTI not only meets the conservation needs for microscopic level of detail, but also signals interesting developments of the technique, which can broaden its application in the cultural heritage sector and particularly in conservation practice.


RTI; microscopy; conservation