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Keay, Simon, <div>University of Southampton</div>
Keay, Simon, University of Southampton (United Kingdom)
Keay, Simon, <div><div><p>Archaeological Computing Research Group</p><p>University of Southampton</p></div></div>
Keller, Benjamin, University of Notre Dame
Kessick, Sarah, Stephen R. Braund and Associates
Kleber, Florian, <p>Computer Vision Lab</p><p>Institute of Computer Aided Automation</p><p>Vienna University of Technology</p>
Kleber, Florian
Klein, Michael, 7reasons Medien GmbH


kleinitz, Cornelia, Humboldt-University Berlin, Institute of Archaeology


Klindt, Marco, Zuse Institute Berlin
Kniess, Rudolf
Knight, Terry, <p>School of Architecture and Planning,&nbsp;Massachusetts Institute of Technology</p>
Koch, Reinhard, <p>Multimedia Information Processing Workgroup,</p><p>Institute of Computer Science,</p><p>Christian Albrechts University of Kiel, Germany</p>
Kondo, Yasuhisa, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Konsa, Marge, PhD student, Institute of History and Archaeology, University of Tartu, Estonia
Kormann, Mariza, University of Oxford
Koscelník, Petr, The University of West Bohemia
KOTOULA, ELENI, University of Southampton <br />
Krispel, Ulrich, Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization (CGV), TU Graz<br />
Krusche, Krupali, Professor, University of Notre Dame
Krusche, Krupali Uplekar, <p>University of Notre Dame</p><p>School of Architecture</p>
Kuhn, Sam, Smoke &amp; Mirrors


Lambers, Karsten, University of Bamberg
Lancelotti, Carla, CASES, Instituci&oacute; Mil&agrave; i Fontanals and Cientro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, National Spanish Research Council (IMF and CCHS -CSIC)
Lancelotti, Carla, Instituci&oacute; Mil&agrave; i Fontanals, Spanish National Research Council (IMF-CSIC)

426 - 450 of 905 Items    << < 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 > >>