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Hamling, Tara, History department, University of Birmingham
Hardman, Catherine, ADS
Harrison, Matthew James, University of Southampton
Hautefeuille, Florent, CNRS- Universit&eacute; Toulouse II Le Mirail<br />
Havemann, Sven, Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization (CGV), TU Graz<br />
Hay, Sophie, University of Southampton / British School at Rome
Hay, Sophie, University of Sothampton (United Kingdom)
Hay, Sophie, University of Southampton
Hayes, Steven, <div><p>Arts eResearch</p><p>University of Sydney</p></div>
Hayward, Maria, History Department, University of Southampton
Heath, Sebastian, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University
Heckes, Jürgen, Deutsches Bergbau-Museum, Bochum&nbsp;
Hedges, Mark
Hege, Hans-Christian, Zuse Institute Berlin
Heger, Martin, University of Helsinki
Herdt, Georg, University of Bath
Hermon, Sorin, The Cyprus Institute
Hermon, Sorin, The Cyprus Institute, STARC
Hermon, Sorin
Hermon, Sorin, <div>The Cyprus Institute - Science and Technology in Archaeology Research Center</div> (Cyprus)
Hernàndez-Cardona, Francesc Xavier, University of Barcelona
Hertler, Christine, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Herzog, Irmela, LVR-Amt f&uuml;r Bodendenkmalpflege im Rheinland
Hess, Mona, University College London
Hinton, David, University of Southampton

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