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Lopez Castro, Marcelo
López-Cachero, F.Javier, <p>Seminari d'Estudis i Recerques Prehist&ograve;riques</p><p>Dpt. Prehist&ograve;ria, Hist&ograve;ria Antiga i Arqueologia</p>
López-Sánchez, José Manuel, TCASA
Lorente, Anna, Telecom Bretagne
Lorenzini, Matteo, Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities -Italy-
Lowerre, Andrew George, English Heritage
Lucci Baldassari, Guido, CNR ITABC
Lucile, PILLOT, UMR ARTeHIS 5594 Universit&eacute; de Bourgogne, DIJON<br />
Lund, Karin, Swedish National Heritage Board Contract Archaeology Service
Luther, Steve, Evolutions Television


MacDonald, Lindsay, University College London
MacDonald, Lindsay W., University College London
Maddens, Ruben, Ghent University
Madella, Marco, ICREA and CASES. Instituci&oacute; Mil&agrave; i Fontanals, Spanish National Research Council (IMF-CSIC)
Madella, Marco, <p>Instituci&oacute; Mil&agrave; i Fontanals, Spanish National Research Council (IMF-CSIC)</p><p>Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA)</p>
Madella, Marco, ICREA and CASES, IMF-CSIC (Spain)
Madella, Marco, ICREA - CASES, Instituci&oacute; Mil&agrave; i Fontanals. National Spanish Research Council (ICREA IMF-CSIC)
Madella, Marco, ICREA and CASES Instituci&oacute; Mil&agrave; i Fontanals. National Spanish Research Council (ICREA and IMF-CSIC)
Maggi, Roberto, Direzione regionale per i beni culturali e paesaggistici della Liguria
Malina, Ondřej, University of West Bohemia / National Heritage Institute
Mamoli, Myrsini, Georgia Institute of Technology, PhD student; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, visiting student
Mañas, Irene, Associate Professor&nbsp;
Mandolesi, Luca, AdArte snc
Mantegari, Glauco, Laboratorio di Intelligenza Artificiale, Milano
Marchand, Sylvain, University of Brest

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