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Barla, Pascal, Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest
Barnes, Adam, Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies, Univ. of Arkansas
Barricelli, Barbara Rita, Università degli Studi di Milano
Barton, Kevin, Landscape and Geophysical Survey Ltd.
Batino, Sabrina, <div><div><div>Visual Computing Lab - ISTI - CNR</div></div></div>
Battaglia, Manuela
Baum, Daniel, Zuse Institute Berlin
Beale, Gareth, Archaeological Computing Research Group, University of Southampton
Beale, Gareth, University of Southampton
Beale, Gareth (United Kingdom)
Beale, Nicole, Archaeological Computing Research Group, University of Southampton
Beale, Nicole, University of Southampton
Beale, Nicole, ACRG, University of Southampton
Beales, Richard, IT Innovation Centre
Beavis, Miki A, University College London Institute of Archaeology&nbsp;
Beck, Anthony, University of Leeds, DART Project<br />
Beck, Anthony, The University of Leeds (United Kingdom)
Beck, Anthony, School of Computing, University of Leeds
Berg, Evy, Directorate for Cultural Heritage Norway
Bermejo Tirado, Jesús, Independent Researcher
Bertoncello, Frédérique, CNRS, UMR6130, Nice
Bertoncello, Frédérique, CNRS - Universit&eacute; de Nice
Bertoncello, Frédérique, <p class="NoSpacing">CNRS, UMR6130, Nice, France</p>
Bevan, Andrew, University College London (UCL)
Bevan, Andrew, UCL

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