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Scopigno, Roberto, Visual computing Lab, ISTI - CNR
Scopigno, Roberto, <div>Visual Computing Lab - ISTI - CNR</div>
Seco, Luis Gonçalves, Geo-Space Sciences Research Centre (CICGE), Department of Geosciences, Environment and Spatial Plannings, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, Porto-Portugal
Segain, Ellebore, French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research - INRAP
Seiler, Florian, German Archaeological Institute, Berlin
Seino, Yoichi, Kyoto University
Seino, Yoichi, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University
Selway, Michael, System Simulation
Serrano Ramos, Alexia, Master in Archaeology. Department of Prehistory &amp; Archaeology. University of Granada.
Serreta, Alfredo, Universidad de Zaragoza. Escuela Polit&eacute;cnica Superior de Huesca.
Sevillano Perea, Luis Antonio, Instituto de Arqueolog&iacute;a - M&eacute;rida (CSIC-Junta Extremadura)
Seymour, Brian, Michael Baker Engineering
Shaw, Lawrence, University of Birmingham


shui, wuyang, <p class="Authors">Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875, China</p>


Šilhavý, Jakub, <p class="omtext">University of West Bohemia</p>


Simon, Katie, <p>Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies, University of Arkansas</p>
Simon, Katie, Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies, Univ. of Arkansas
Simon, Katie, Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies, University of Arkansas
Simon, Rainer, Austrian Institute of Technology
Sinclair, Ian, University of Southampton


sintes olives, elena, Universitat Aut&ograve;noma de Barcelona


Siotto, Eliana, <div><div>Visual Computing Lab - ISTI - CNR</div></div>
Smeets, Maarten, StudieBureau-Archeologie.


Šmejda, Ladislav, <div><div>University of West Bohemia</div></div>


Smilansky, Uzy, Weizmann Institute of Science

751 - 775 of 905 Items    << < 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 > >>